Feelings are the Key to Your Manifestation

Feelings are important parts of the manifestation process.

Early on in my spiritual awakening, I first learned about the Law of Attraction, which refers to the idea that your thoughts, and more importantly, your feelings, play a role in shaping and creating your reality.

Specifically, like attracts like. What we focus our thought and emotional power on — whether consciously or unconsciously — then attracts similar situations.

I have personally manifested my ideal jobs, relationships, apartments, houses, and amazing experiences. For each one, I focus on the feelings of joy, awe, and wonder that come “at the end” when I am experiencing the result I want or right after I’ve achieved it.

One of my favorite examples of manifestation occurred when my husband Rob and I were first experimenting with it. We were on vacation in Arizona and were excited to visit the Grand Canyon for the first time. I had only seen pictures of it and knew seeing and experiencing it for the first time would be unparalleled.

We were both in the middle of jobs that were stressful in different ways, and we both desired something more. This vacation was a much-needed break and change in scenery.

The line of cars to get into the national park was long. We patiently waited in line in our car, when out of nowhere, a car cut us off and somehow managed to get in front of us!

We were floored at the audacity of the person to cut in front of us, when we were basically in the middle of the growing line. In previous situations, Rob would’ve let loose some choice words and gestures, but this time, we decided to let those emotions go and instead, implement the concepts of manifestation that we had just read about in a book.

We sat behind this car and focused instead on the amazing feeling of seeing the Grand Canyon for the first time. I imagined seeing the beautiful vistas, excitedly snapping photos on our new DSLR cameras, our jaws dropping and marveling at this natural wonder.

We sat there, basking in these feelings and it felt great. I actually didn’t care about the car that cut us off — some people are just like that, and this was not going to mess up my level of peace.

A few minutes later, the park service ranger then walked down the line of cars and stopped in front of our car. “You!” she said, pointing at us through the windshield, “Start a new line over there!” and she pointed at us to go to a different ticket booth.

Rob and I looked at each other incredulously as we moved to the front of the line. We paid for our ticket and drove smoothly into the park. The driver that cut us off? He ended up being at the back of that line. We couldn’t believe it, but we knew that this Law of Attraction thing actually worked!

Since then, I’ve learned many things to hone this creative skill, including one mention that sometimes we get what we need and not what we want. I believe we are co-creating with God (or perhaps you see it as a Divine Creator, Source Energy, or an interconnected intelligence that is greater than all of us). In this moment, I felt that there was a larger force showing us that there is more to this world than meets the eye.

I share this story to inspire you to pay attention to your feelings and to know that you are also not your feelings.

You are the Higher Self who is able to be consciously aware and discerning in how you focus your attention.

In that sense then, creatively strengthening your “muscle” to feel, to be attuned to your emotions, and to be able to generate authentic feelings, can then be useful as you move towards your goals with intention.

If you’d like to learn practical tips and exercises to strengthen your emotional muscle and awareness, so that you can leverage your feelings to manifest your ideal life or career, then join me for my next virtual Purpose Lab workshop on Wednesday, June 26th, 2024, 6pm-7:30pm EDT.

We will be deep-diving into ways to get in tune with your feelings and tap into your intuition to help you manifest with ease.

Tickets are $20 with limited early bird and scholarship tickets available if you are facing financial challenges right now.

I will also be holding the space for you to manifest something you desire, so come with ideas for what you want to experience in your life, whether it’s a new job, money, a relationship, or something else amazing!

Let your path open up with ease. Learn more and register here. As a bonus, all registrants get a free ticket that you can gift to a friend!

Share the empowerment skills and deepen your practice.


To reflect —

What feelings take up a majority of your waking time? Are they generally of joy and appreciation or worry or feeling a loss of power/control over your life?

What would you like to manifest in your life or career? What do you feel when you imagine it happening?