Creating a New Way of Living through Real Estate

cute wooden house garden

When my son was around 3 years old, he talked about how he wanted all his friends and grandparents to live in little houses with backyards and gardens that were all in a circle so that he could see them all the time.

He didn’t understand why his grandparents and cousins lived separately and in far-away places. He wanted all the people he loved to gather together all the time.

At first, I thought it was him being his usual bubbly and extroverted self, spouting idea after idea. But then it occurred to me that he was envisioning a new way of living — where his favorite people could just blend together and be accessible in-person, not just through the phone or Facetime. The creation of this ideal, intergenerational land, this utopia, was what led me to become an urban planner in the first place.

When I do purpose readings for my clients, I see similar themes around not just improving their home life, whether it’s their decor or choosing another city or geography to live in, but also creating a new way of living and interacting with the world.

In my own life, my intuition and my purpose became intertwined with real estate as well, leading to getting our first home (a fixer-upper that has been a labor of love and creativity) and then learning about real estate investing strategies.

My husband and I became excited about building generational wealth instead of spending an obscene amount on rent (have you ever calculated how much rent you’ve spent so far?) and finally not having to answer to a landlord to make a space our own.

We also have so many dreams of making an impact through real estate. Years ago, I mentioned that I wanted to be a real estate developer, a philanthropist, and a conservationist. We’re now living the “essence” of this through the way of life we’ve crafted for ourselves after our move north of New York City for more nature and open space.

I also have a vision of creating shared housing and home ownership for single moms with children, that can make it easier for families with financial challenges to live communally and creatively together. With mindset shifts and learning new strategies, we’re closer to this vision than ever before.

If you’ve ever had dreams of owning your own space, making an impact through real estate or land to create the communal living/gardening/art space/youth empowerment camp you’ve always wanted (just one idea!), or want to learn about different investing strategies (even if you don’t have much money), then I’m thrilled to share this new workshop.

This month, our Purpose Lab workshop, “Regular People Investing in Real Estate & A New Way of Living” is on Wednesday, May 29th, 2024, from 5:30pm-8:00pm EDT.

We will have meditation, individual and group exercises to help you identify and envision your real estate or home-related dreams, and guest speaker (and my husband) Rob Sanchez will be sharing investing strategies and ways you can prepare to invest in real estate.

Rob is a licensed real estate agent with Christie’s International and has expertise in creating spaces from a vision, including fashion manufacturing incubators, startup spaces, podcasting studios, and our own 100-year-old house.

We’ll talk about gardening, farming, land, commercial properties, and buying your personal home or multifamily property.

We’ll also create manifesting space to help you envision creating a new way of life — whether it’s communal living, intentional living, or something else that you believe the world needs. This will also be helpful even if you don’t have much money right now.

There’ll also be Q&A and networking to meet other conscious people.

Tickets for the workshop are $20 with limited early bird tickets.

Every participant will have an opportunity to schedule a 45-minute Akashic Record reading with me after the workshop on the highest guidance for you related to home or real estate dreams. The reading is by donation after the intuition session, so thank you in advance for your positive energy out in the world!

For details and to register, click here!

Please share widely with your friends and colleagues. The more who have the courage to pursue their dreams, the better our world becomes as we all step deeper into our purpose.

For your reflection — what does your ideal home life look like? What kind of impact do you want to make through real estate and how?

Leave a comment below or let me know in the workshop on May 29th!