““My purpose reading was life-changing. It resonated on such a deep level that I felt it in the first few minutes of my coaching. I normally dread waking up in the morning to go to work because the environment there is so toxic. At the end of the session, I was actually excited for what the next day would bring. I haven’t felt that in years!”
Why am I here?
If you're here, you're probably curious. Perhaps a friend referred you here because she discovered her life's purpose in one of my sessions and you've seen your friend transform in beautiful ways. Perhaps you randomly got here because the universe guided you, and you have no idea why you're reading this. Or you could be skeptical and you want to learn more - and that's okay!
There is a reason why you're here, both on this website and in life. Read more about our services below.
Step 1: Discover Your Purpose Reading & Coaching PACKAGE (6 weekly sessions)
For all new clients, I will meet with you virtually via Zoom for the Discover Your Purpose reading and coaching package. All I need to do this session is your name and consent. I don't need to know you or have met you before!
During these purpose coaching sessions, I will be sharing with you the information I receive during my meditation that consists of 5-6 pages of text (single-spaced!) and images that I channel before our first session. This covers:
Your life's purpose, as accessed intuitively through the Akashic Records (the universal compilation of all knowledge).
How your purpose has manifested in your life thus far, in the past, present, and future, and
Different ways to explore your purpose using action-oriented steps.
The 5-6 pages of text (single-spaced!) will be sent to your inbox so that you always can refer back to it. Every time you re-read it, clients say that they discover something new, even months and years later - truly a "living document" about you!
Session Timing & Content: The six sessions occur weekly with the following schedule below:
The Why: 2 sessions (1.5 hrs each, once a week) to go over the 5-6 pages of the purpose reading that describes your personalized "why." During the sessions, we'll discuss how the information resonates with you and what stories or thoughts it brings up. I will coach you on how to overcome fear or blocks and how to express your purpose based on my personal and professional experience, lessons learned from my clients, and from leaders in the self-empowerment field.
The What: 2 sessions (1 hour each, once a week) to go over purpose planning & implementation. I work with you to determine what your goals are, when you want to achieve them, and ways you can do so. I help you get everything down on paper, translating the reading into actionable steps.
The How: 2 sessions (1 hour each, could be once a week to once every 2-3 weeks) to go over your action steps as you take them, leveraging your purpose reading further, and coaching for success. This may include additional mini-readings or teaching empowerment tools to help you express your purpose and expand your ability to tap into your intuition.
Between each session, you will have homework to reflect and journal on the reading and start consciously exploring and expressing your purpose.
Couples Purpose Readings & Packages:
Couples sessions occur separately for each individual for the 3 sessions. Couples have the option to have one or more of their "What" sessions held jointly so that both partners can discuss each other's purposes and how they can support each other. You will get individualized coaching from me so that you can both use this information to strengthen your relationship. To order the Couples Package, select "2" in "Package Sessions" for a special discount.
Virtual Sessions & Recordings:
All sessions are conducted virtually via video chat (Zoom) and recorded for your files.
What Clients Also Receive:
All clients will then have access to:
Secret Facebook group to share progress, receive tips and resources, and be a part of a growing global community of purpose-centered people
Discounts or special offers to future events, coaching sessions, online courses, and other opportunities to advance in your purpose
"I met with Julie during one of the most challenging periods of my life. Following the intuitive reading, I immediately began to see signs manifesting positively on multiple levels. These experiences have brought me enormous comfort and I'm deeply amazed and humbled by this journey so far. Infinite thanks and love."
- APB"I want to thank you again for the work we did over the last few months. You've helped me find my way back to being able to do and hold all that, and to feel excited for more and more." - J
“Julie has a gift. I’ve dealt with a lot in my life. She holds the space for me especially if I’m crying during our sessions and I always feel empowered and inspired after our time together. She has motivated me to listen to my intuition, live with intention, and try new things that resonate with my purpose. I’ve learned so much from her already. Thank you.”
- AA, California
Investment: $2,499
This is an incredible opportunity to have 1:1 coaching from me and accelerate your purpose in profound and life-changing ways. I’ve spent tens of thousands on coaching and personal development, and the transformation you receive is priceless. The 5-6 page reading is a gift that keeps on giving, with people gaining insights from it even ten years later.
Please be sure to read the FAQs below on how the intuitive readings work.
After you add to cart, you'll be prompted to complete a form with your contact information and consent. Once everything goes through, I will reach out to you via email to schedule your session times and answer any questions you may have. You can also contact me at julie@beingmypurpose.com.
I look forward to jump-starting your purpose!
option #1: DISCOVER YOUR PURPOSE COACHING PACKAGE (Full payment option)
Instructions: Under "Package Sessions," select "1" if you are interested in one Discover Your Purpose Coaching Package. Select "2" if you have a significant other or family member that you'd like to get two packages for. For people who book a package of 2, they receive a special discount.
Under "Quantity," leave it as "1". Click on "Add to Cart". You'll be prompted to enter some basic information. To "check out," scroll to the top of the page on the upper right hand corner and press the shopping cart to check out.
Option #2: Discover Your Purpose Package: 6-Month Payment Plan
If you are interested in a 6-Month Payment Plan or another customized payment plan, please reach out to me. I understand that everyone has their own unique financial situation and my goal is to keep my services accessible. If you’d like to make an arrangement that works for both of us, please email me at julie@beingmypurpose.com.
I also often provide mini-readings to people who are in challenging financial situations through our Being My Purpose Fund and scholarships.
Once you know your purpose, I guide you on building your Inner Empowerment Toolbox so that you can be aware of limiting blocks and better handle the ups and downs of life. Tapping into your unlimited inner strength is critical to expressing your purpose and creating the life you want. Learn more about Step 2: Tapping into Your Inner Strength and our purpose coaching packages to accelerate your purpose.
what clients say
“My purpose is to be one with nature, to use it in the way it was meant to be used (for food, medicine, etc.) and to achieve oneness with my soul.
Coming from a finance background, I’m gradually discovering how to apply my professional skills in a way that aligns with what brings meaning in life. I began meditating regularly to clear my head of busy and unnecessary thoughts, and to know myself better. In my spare time, I’ve worked on farms, learned about agriculture and herbal medicine, helped bring capital to local sustainable food businesses, and started a meetup on the ecovillage movement.
Following my heart and doing what truly brings happiness haven’t always been easy, but I’m beginning to understand that if I have the courage to do that, life becomes so much more exciting and rewarding.
— Jess, Finance professional and nature enthusiast, New York City”
“The purpose reading gave me a framework for thinking about how I can make the highest and best use of my talents. It’s helped me re-think assumptions about what I “should” do vs. what I am genuinely here to do in this life.
I’m still chewing on the purpose reading and will continue to reflect on it while I’m on a retreat!
— Melissa, Executive Coach, San Francisco”
“I refer to my 5-6 page purpose reading whenever I need a pick-me-up because it has such positive energy. To this day, I still can’t believe Julie received all that information about me without knowing who I am. It makes me follow my own inner voice more because I’ve definitely been ignoring it for a while.
— Jason, in career transition, New York City”
“Thank you again for an extremely thought-provoking purpose reading. It’s really triggered a desire to pull back from the everyday chaos and think about what drives my choices and actions. I find myself being inspired to read more pieces on philosophy and self discovery/improvement. I look forward to attending the next client meetup!
— Danielle, Education & Nonprofit Executive, New York City”
How does it work?
In the purpose readings and coaching sessions, I share with you your soul's unique purpose in this lifetime (that's right, each of you has unique lessons you want to learn or gifts you want to share with the world) based on the Akashic Records, which is a universal compilation of your soul's thoughts, emotions and knowledge. During the session, I provide tools and proven methods, and share my lessons learned so that you can jumpstart your purpose with confidence and excitement. All clients first start off with the Discover Your Purpose Reading & Coaching Package (total 6 hours over approximately 6-8 weeks), which works like this:
Provide your name, consent, and payment to book your spot.
I discover your purpose based on my intuitive senses. (You are not present for this part of the process.) I first access the Akashic Records using my intuitive senses, including sight, sound, emotions, and knowledge, to discover what your purpose is, how it has manifested in your life so far, and what steps you can take to explore it and express it in the future. I do this by doing a meditation, saying a prayer for only information for your highest good, and using my intuitive senses to receive and write down this information in 5-6 pages of text and images. I do this at my home and it takes around an hour to complete. In essence, you'll get up to 4 hours of my time for the Honor Exchange because it includes 1 hour of the intuitive reading that I do on my own plus the 3.5 hours of the virtual coaching sessions with you! Note that I don't have to know you, have met you before, or ask you any interview questions to know what your purpose is because it is all accessible with higher consciousness.
We meet up virtually and discuss your purpose! We schedule our weekly Purpose Reading & Coaching Sessions via Zoom. These sessions will usually be when I will meet you for the very first time. Over the course of the sessions, we'll discuss the purpose reading at length and provide actionable strategies based on my professional experience, intuitive senses, and personal spiritual journey. I'll send the text to you via email so that you have it for future reference. Many clients review it regularly and have epiphanies after the sessions. Please do not schedule anything intensive after the session, as it takes quiet time to absorb and digest the information. I recommend not scheduling any appointments afterwards also for time flexibility.
We meet virtually for purpose coaching sessions. For those of you who are committed to living your purpose and elect to coach with me after the Discover Your Purpose package, I provide guidance on how you can create a strong foundation of inner empowerment tools and experiences so that you may be confident in expressing your purpose. Living your purpose is a journey and it accelerates how you do it when you have a supportive partner looking out for you.
Is there an interview or questions that you ask me?
There is no interview process, no survey or questions that I ask you to discover your purpose. I don't have to know you, see or have met you beforehand. The only information provided is your name (because every person has an energetic imprint) and your consent. People are often amazed at how deeply resonant the information is, and that without knowing the person, I'm able to be on point with their life's goals, challenges, and desires in ways that are deeper than they can express in words.
The most common phrase I hear after each reading is, "Wow. That's really deep. It definitely resonates with me. I'm going to need time to process all of this information." Over time, my clients tell me about amazing breakthroughs and epiphanies that happen when life has time to unfold. I am truly grateful for the work that I am doing, and how I can be of service to others.
I feel a bit anxious about knowing my purpose. Why?
Many of my clients sign up and tell me that they feel a mix of excitement and nerves about knowing their purpose. I understand, because it can feel like a big deal! From my experience, all my clients have come away with a profound sense of knowing that it is who they are. They resonate with the information on a deep, soul-level. Many have even shared their purpose readings with their friends and family and they say it completely describes them. We all also have free will. People do not have to act on their purpose. Sometimes they resist it (as I know I did). But when you face your fears and have the courage to embrace your purpose, you grow and express yourself in new and liberating ways. When they get to this point, they realize that overcoming any worries or fear makes their lives that much more rewarding. I say, bravo for taking this step! You deserve it.
Expressing your purpose isn't about constantly doing-doing-doing. It's about being -- being who you are, from moment to moment, from breath to breath. It's about embracing who you are and letting it shine. Expressing your purpose is not about how much you accomplish or achieving some future career, position or project, but about a state of mind, of constant expansion into your true self. You can never "fulfill" your purpose because there are infinite possibilities in how you can expand in your expression. It is just bringing more of who you are out into the world.
everyone talks about purpose nowadays. What exactly is it?
The good thing is that everyone is talking about purpose, because people are increasingly driven to living the life that they want and creating the kind of impact that they want to see in the world. The complication is that people are still getting used to thinking about purpose holistically. It is incredibly common that a person can climb the corporate or nonprofit ladder, lead a seemingly "perfect" or very impactful lives, but they still feel like something is missing from their life.
That's because they are either completely ignoring their soul's purpose or are expressing only a sliver of their true selves. Each person has a unique soul purpose, in addition to many layers of universal purposes that we all have -- to express unconditional love, to care for the environment, to follow our inner voice, etc. What many people do not realize on the conscious level is that your soul's purpose can currently be the most underestimated or undervalued thing in your life.
For example, I didn't think too much about using my voice to sing or even to share my story, but now I see just how important it is for my self-expression and emotional health. Or, part of my husband's purpose is to turn his vision into reality through his hands. He thought his penchant for drawing and making things was not important, or just a hobby. If he didn't express that somehow in his life and actively find ways to do so (and preferably through his career), then he wouldn't be as fulfilled.
Consider your purpose to be the motivator for your heart and something that must be channeled through your career, family, relationships and service. It may not always be the easiest or the most likely for you to pick up. It can actually be one of the hardest things we ever do because we have to shed a lot of limiting beliefs and fears before we can fully express ourselves. But, that's where the personal growth is, and that's where inner freedom lies.
can i submit a question?
yes! just SUBMIT your question BELOW and we'll get it answered.
Disclaimer: If you have a medical or mental condition of any kind, please seek help from a qualified medical or healthcare practitioner. Being My Purpose is not responsible for any client or reader actions, non-actions, or choices.