This is not my house, but it certainly is what I love! A cozy porch, dappled sunlight, and serenity.
A lot has happened over the past few years for me in terms of spiritual experiences and living on purpose. Most notably, my family moved out of New York City at the end of the pandemic for more nature, open space, fresh air, and new experiences. We bought a fixer-upper house in a somewhat suburban/rural area north of the city and have been learning all sorts of things about 100-year-old homes and renovations.
For someone who has only ever lived in rental apartments with the hustle and diversity of urban life, it was a profound change — one that I never thought would happen since I had refused to entertain the thought of leaving the city.
It took identifying what lifestyle we truly wanted as a family before we decided to try it out by staying in upstate Airbnb homes for months at a time, getting to know what kinds of houses and “feelings of community” we liked, and being inspired by other people’s decor (one of my favorite pastimes).
By going outside of my comfort zone, but leaving room to test it out, this journey has allowed even more growth and new experiences that I am immensely grateful for.
During the past few years, I’ve had numerous experiences relating to houses, the metaphysical realm, and purpose, including a few terrifying (and yet, illuminating) spirit encounters in an Airbnb we stayed in and some beautiful experiences in the home we ended up buying.
I would channel messages in these houses and discover that each house has a purpose, a deeper calling for how it can impact people, families, and communities.
My deeper lesson throughout all of this was to transcend my identity as a lifelong New York City resident and to choose to see the possibility, fun, and connection of a new place instead of focusing on the fear of the unknown.
This has led me to have a much deeper appreciation for homes, where we live, the energy of “place,” and what conscious choices we make to shape our external environment — from where and how we live and decorate, to how we treat the planet Earth.
I share this to invite you to reflect on your life and the past few years as well. Have you encountered recurring challenges or situations in your home environment, career, relationship, finances, parenting, or something else? Are you wondering what there is for you to learn, grow from, or transcend?
In the wake of the pandemic and everything going on in the world now, from flooding and natural disasters to war, I’m finding that PERSPECTIVE is the one thing that matters the most. How we perceive is more important than the situation at hand.
And, at the same time, your purpose may relate to making a brave choice about where you live, how you live, and what your home environment looks like. This has a ripple effect on everything else in your life.
I’ve coached many clients and channeled their soul purpose, and have seen how their home environment comes up often as a major area in their life that is yearning for change. Where you live (the city or place), whether you have a home base or are nomadic, who you live with, how you decorate, what senses are engaged when you are at home, and the intention and consciousness when you create or enter spaces — all are important parts of what can give you joy and nourishment on a deep level. It can also shape the impact that you have on the world in seen and unseen ways.
Some questions I suggest reflecting and journaling on are when you think of a situation in your life you want to transcend:
What do you think is the underlying soul lesson from the challenges or situations you’re experiencing?
What resistance do you feel?
What identity are you holding on to?
How can you shift your perspective to something positive and hopeful?
What can you do today to make your living environment a place of joy and beauty for you?
As you reflect, remember that life is like a spiral, going around and around revisiting similar situations and calling for you to have an ever-expanding perspective and awareness. When you can thank challenging situations as just opportunities to help you live your purpose, then you can have the peace within to create the vision you want from a place of possibility.
Knowing and expressing your purpose boldly will create deep transformations in your career, relationships, home environment, abundance, and the impact you make in the world.
If you are interested in understanding the deeper lessons in a challenging situation you’re facing, or you want to learn more about what your purpose is, as channeled through your Akashic Records (or the purpose of a house or place that’s important to you), please book a session or the Discover Your Purpose Coaching Package!
Learn more about my services here or set up a free 20-minute Strategy Session here to learn more about how I work and envision what you’re looking to achieve in 2024. During this session, I’ll also share the top two channeled words or images I receive in your Akashic Records to activate your purpose.
Please comment below on what you discovered as you reflected on the questions. Or, send me an email directly to share your insights. I’d love to hear from you!