
Creativity for the New Year: A Channeled Message

Hand holding a paintbrush, painting in watercolor

I hope you are enjoying a time for reflection and relaxation during these last few days of 2023. As you gear up for the new year, I share a recent channeled message for you and reflection questions to help you spark creativity. May you be well served by this perspective.

Note: All capitalized words are intentional, as channeled from the Akashic Records, and denote words that are emphasized, or more important, for their meaning. Each one can serve as a source of reflection and journaling for you to discover what they mean to you and how you feel about them. I’ve italicized the reflection questions for convenience only.


As this year comes to a close, we encourage you to reflect on the following themes and envision what the next year could look like for you.

The year of 2024 is all about CREATION. There is an incredible yearning as a planet to create, to be witness to the shaping of something new, like transforming a block of clay into something that has lines, shapes, planes, and eventually, a face and body. The PROCESS of creation is one that we recommend you be familiar with and be in LOVE with. To love creation, is to be like God – to turn a wisp of an idea that exists in the unseen dimensions into the 3-dimensional reality of Earth. 

We want to remind you that God, in our sense, refers to what you feel is right for you. Whether it’s the Universe, Source, the unlimited energy, the infinite, the spiritual source of all that is and all that can be. It is unlimited possibilities and it requires a DIRECTION, a DESTINATION for the energies to CHANNEL THROUGH. It is this act of channeling, of moving the unlimited into something tangible, specific, and SEEN that is the ultimate for this next year. 

That means, you will get extreme joy and satisfaction, meaning and fulfillment every time you create. Whether it’s baking a cake, drawing a picture, coming up with an idea when you’re in the shower and then brainstorming and implementing the idea – bringing it into life… all of these things will generate joy. It doesn’t have to be a lucrative business idea. The point is that ANY act of creation will put you in the JOY, the expanded consciousness that will ALLOW things you desire to manifest, to be in the sphere of your influence. This influence is in the etheric realm, and it is how synchronicities happen, when the things that support your CREATION keep occurring in beautiful and miraculous ways.

You may have seen instances of this in your own lives. Search for them, expect them, and be curious about them. Ask the Universe for what beautiful and awe-inspiring ways they can support you in your desires. Because all desires are borne from the yearning for CREATION. They desire the final manifestation – the feeling of COMPLETENESS and WHOLENESS of the creation process at its end. This then makes way and makes room for the next spark of genius, the next creation process that makes the Universe as joyful and as in AWE of the way of the Universe – that which is magic – as you. 

To reflect, what do you want to create in the new year?

What do you want to create in your personal life for fun?

As a society that focuses on work so much, you have forgotten how to TRULY have fun. It is not just about escapism or numbing of feelings through substances, repetitive motions, or addictions. It is about the PURITY of fun – when the heart alights with JOY and LIGHT. This starts the lightness of being, feeling as light as a feather, floating up in the sky like a balloon – that effervescence and transcendence that life is all about. 


What came up for you from this message and your reflection? Please let us know in the comments. We’d love to hear from you.

And, don’t miss the opportunity to have a free 20-minute clarity call with me and receive your top two words or images to help you catalyze 2024. I will go into your Akashic Records before we even meet to channel this information and during the call, we’ll discuss what comes through and I will coach you on how to implement it into your life. Book this free call with me here.

Have a lovely end of the year and may the next be filled with joy and creativity.