““My purpose reading was life-changing. It resonated on such a deep level that I felt it in the first few minutes of my coaching. My life has become a lot more exciting and magical because I now know how to live it!””
Why am I here?
If you're here, you're probably curious. Perhaps a friend referred you here because she discovered her life's purpose in one of Julie's sessions and you've seen your friend transform in beautiful ways. Perhaps you randomly got here because the universe guided you, and you have no idea why you're reading this or you could be skeptical and you want to learn more - and that's okay!
Our mission is to empower people to know and express their purpose with confidence, creativity, and courage everyday. It is part of Julie's life's purpose to build a family of spiritually empowered people -- a family being a community of purpose-centered people who support each other and cheer each other on.
What services do you provide?
Purpose Readings & Coaching
For all new clients, Julie will meet with you in-person in New York City or virtually via Skype for a 2-hour purpose reading and coaching session. During this purpose coaching session, Julie will be sharing with you:
- Your life's purpose, as accessed intuitively through the Akashic Records (the universal compilation of all knowledge).
- How your purpose has manifested in your life thus far, in the past, present, and future, and
- Different ways to explore your purpose using action-oriented steps.
She will coach you on how to overcome fear or blocks and how to express your purpose based on her personal and professional experience, lessons learned from her clients, and from leaders in the self-empowerment field.
All clients will then have access to:
- Monthly meetups if they are in the New York City area, to hear about progress from other clients, share tips, and cheer each other on
- Secret Facebook group to share progress, receive tips and resources, and be a part of a growing global community of purpose-centered people
- Private e-newsletter twice a month with resources, new tips and life lessons from Julie's personal experiences, and updates
- Discounts to future events, coaching sessions, online courses, and other opportunities to advance in our purpose
Please be sure to read the information on the Honor Exchange below. You'll be prompted to complete a form with your contact information and consent once you add to cart. Once everything goes through, Julie will reach out to you via email to schedule your session time and location and answer any questions you may have. You can also contact her at julie@beingmypurpose.com.
Private Coaching
For all clients who now know what their soul's purpose is, Julie offers individual coaching to provide guidance on how to express your purpose in the areas of career, dream projects, and relationships, and provides inner empowerment education and tools to do so with confidence. These sessions can be 30 minutes to an hour long, and can take place weekly, biweekly or monthly. All sessions take place in New York City, typically in cafes or restaurants, because talking about your purpose deserves good food and drink! If you are interested, email her at julie@beingmypurpose.com.
In-person Meetups in New York City
For all previous clients, Julie holds in-person meetups in New York City for people to meet other purpose-centered folks, share progress, learn new tips, and cheer each other on. Meetups are currently free of charge and typically take place on weeknights in a public location.
Introductory Meetups to Learn About Us in New York City
For all people new to purpose readings or coaching, you are invited to learn more at our free introductory meetups in New York City. You'll get to learn more about her services, meet other purpose-centered folks, hear from current clients about their experience, and network. It's low-key and is really just an excuse for us to hang out with great people. Introductory Meetups take place on weeknights in a public location. Sign up below.
How does it work?
In the purpose readings and coaching sessions, Julie shares with you your soul's unique purpose in this lifetime (that's right, each of you has unique lessons you want to learn or gifts you want to share with the world) based on the Akashic Records. She then gives you the tools and proven methods for you to express your purpose with confidence, creativity and courage. All clients first start off with the 2-hour Purpose Reading & Coaching Session, which works like this:
- Provide your name, consent, and payment/honor exchange to secure a spot on her waiting list (see below for more information on honor exchange). Currently, the waiting list is 3-4 months long but she is actively tackling it, so thank you for your patience!
- Julie discovers your purpose based on her intuitive senses. She first accesses the Akashic Records using her intuitive senses, including sight, sound, emotions, and knowledge, to discover what your purpose is, how it has manifested in your life so far, and what steps you can take to explore it and express it in the future. She writes all of this down in 2-3 pages of text and descriptions. She typically does this at home, on her own time, and it takes around an hour to complete. You are not present for this part of the process -- she doesn't have to know you, have met you before, or ask you any interview questions.
- We meet up and discuss your purpose! We schedule our 2-hour Purpose Reading & Coaching Session to be in-person if you are in New York City, or virtually via Skype or Google Hangout. This session is when we discuss the purpose reading at length and provide actionable strategies based on her professional experience, intuitive senses, and personal spiritual journey. We'll send the text to you so that you have it for future reference. Many clients review it regularly and have epiphanies after the session.
What is the Honor Exchange?
Julie was guided to offer the purpose readings for two parts of exchange, considering the information is priceless, and truly has an unlimited monetary value. This is a fresh way of looking at money, which is ultimately a neutral flow of energy, so we're excited to see how this works out.
- 1st part of Honor Exchange is traditional money: $300 for the 2-hour purpose reading and coaching session. If you and a significant other are interested in having a joint session, which can be beautiful for couples to know and support each other's purposes, it is $550 for two people for a 3-4 hour session. Email her at julie@beingmypurpose.com for this special offer.
- 2nd part of Honor Exchange is a suggested donation that you decide: After you receive the reading, we invite you to meditate or contemplate for one week on the reading you received, specifically on the energy of gratitude for the knowledge that you now have. Listen to your heart and see what it offers as a suggested donation. This could be an additional monetary amount or acts of service, gifts, testimonials, donations to charity or other forms of kindness that is an expression of gratitude, that respects you and Julie. It is also possible that you decide that offering a simple 'thank you' is what is best for you. The key is that what you offer comes from the heart, it's what your heart considers generous, that makes your heart feel full. This is where true creativity comes in, and we're excited to see what you choose. Keep in mind that anything you donate or help with will further our mission to help disadvantaged youth and adults with purpose and inner empowerment!
Is there an interview or questions that you ask me?
There is no interview process, no survey or questions that Julie asks you. She doesn't have to know the person, see or meet the person. The only information provided is your name (because every person has an energetic imprint) and your consent. People are often amazed at how she has never met them before, but she's able to be on point with their life's goals, challenges, and desires in ways that are deeper than they can express in words.
The most common phrase she hears after each reading is, "Wow. That's really deep. It definitely resonates with me. I'm going to need time to process." Over time, my clients email me or tell me about amazing breakthroughs and epiphanies that happen when life has time to unfold. I am truly grateful for the work that I am doing, and how I can be of service to others.
Expressing your purpose isn't about constantly doing-doing-doing. It's about being -- being who you are, from moment to moment, from breath to breath. It's about embracing who you are and letting it shine. Expressing your purpose is not about how much you accomplish or achieving some future career, position or project, but about a state of mind, of constant expansion into your true self. You can never "fulfill" your purpose because there are infinite possibilities in how you can expand in your expression. It is just bringing more of who you are out into the world.
Disclaimer: If you have a medical condition of any kind, please seek help from a qualified medical or healthcare practitioner. Being My Purpose is not responsible for any client actions, non-actions, or choices.